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Handbook of Operating Procedures
Chapter 4 - Personnel - General
Publication Date: September 6, 2019
Policy Reviewed Date: December 22, 2023
Policy Owner: VP for Business Affairs

4.30 Criminal Background Checks


The University of Texas at San Antonio (世界杯官方app) is committed to promoting the safety and security of students, visitors, faculty, and staff, as well as enhancing the security of physical resources.  Consistent with the requirements of law, prudent practices, and The University of Texas System (UT System) policy, 世界杯官方app will conduct criminal background investigations for employment and appointments (with or without pay) as outlined in this policy.      


This policy outlines the requirements and guidelines for conducting criminal background checks (CBCs) for certain types of employment decisions and use of service without salary and volunteers at 世界杯官方app. This policy is implemented in compliance with UT System Policy 124, Criminal Background Checks (UTS 124).


This policy applies to all persons and groups listed in the Procedures section below.



世界杯官方app or UT System Policies or the Board of Regents' Rules & Regulations

  1. UTS124 Criminal Background Checks
  2. 世界杯官方app HOP policy 2.34 Faculty Grievance Procedures
  3. 世界杯官方app HOP policy 3.04 Grievances of Non-Faculty Employees
  4. 世界杯官方app HOP policy 3.03 Discipline and Dismissal of Classified Employees
  5. 世界杯官方app HOP policy 2.13 Termination and Nonreappointment of a Faculty Member
  6. 世界杯官方app HOP policy 4.09 Student Employees
  7. 世界杯官方app HR Criminal Background Check website

Other Policies & Standards

  1. Texas Education Code § 51.215 – Access to Police Records of Employment Applicants
  2. Texas Government Code § 411.081 et seq. – Criminal History Record Information
  3. Texas Government Code § 411.094 – Access to Criminal History Record Information: Higher Education Entities
  4. Texas Government Code § 411.135 – Access to Certain Information by Public
  5. Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq.


If you have any questions about HOP policy 4.30, Criminal Background Checks, contact the following office:

People Excellence


Applicant - A person that meets the minimum qualifications and officially applies for an available, posted, or advertised position for employment with 世界杯官方app.

Appropriate:  Using a database(s) that is authorized, takes into consideration the nature of the position, information obtained from the US government in connection with the Visa process as well as one that includes data for permanent, temporary and educational residences for anyone who has lived outside the State of Texas since the age of 17.

Assignment - An official designation as an employee of 世界杯官方app in the Human Resources Management System (HRMS).

Promotion - A change in which an employee moves from his/her current position to another position within 世界杯官方app. The new position usually requires more extensive education and/or experience and/or is in a higher salary grade. Generally, such a change requires the higher-level position be formally posted, that the employee applies, and is chosen as the most qualified candidate.

Reclassification - A change in the classification (job title) of a position resulting from a job audit (job analysis) performed by HR Compensation. 

Security Sensitive Position - A position defined by Section 51.215, Texas Education Code:  Security-sensitive positions shall be restricted to employees who handle currency, have access to a computer terminal, have access to a master key, or who work in an area of the institution which has been designated as a security-sensitive area.  A security-sensitive position must be so identified in the job description and advertisement for the position. For the purpose of this policy, all positions at 世界杯官方app have been deemed security sensitive by the president of 世界杯官方app.

Select Agent Facility - The Federal Select Agent Program is jointly comprised of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Division of Select Agents and Toxins and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service/Agriculture Select Agent Services. The Federal Select Agent Program oversees the possession, use and transfer of biological select agents and toxins, which have the potential to pose a severe threat to public, animal or plant health or to animal or plant products. In accordance with 42 CFR 73, the entity is required to develop an ongoing personnel suitability program at 世界杯官方app, which may include an annual criminal background check.

Service Without Salary or Volunteer (Person of Interest) – A person who performs any services for 世界杯官方app: (a) without pay, or (b) (i) in conjunction with employment at another institution of higher education, or (ii) another organization affiliated with 世界杯官方app.  These individuals have access to 世界杯官方app resources, e.g., laboratories, keys, and regular use of computers, in conjunction with their service and are assigned in HRMS.  (Service Without Salary is also a term used for faculty assignments that are not paid by 世界杯官方app)

Transfer – A transfer is the movement of a 世界杯官方app employee from his/her current position to a different position within 世界杯官方app, excluding a move due to a Reclassification or acceptance of a posted position. 

世界杯官方app Affiliated Worker - Individuals who have relationships with 世界杯官方app outside of traditional employment. They can be paid or unpaid and may have an affiliated worker position in addition to another position at 世界杯官方app. They may be individuals who need access to 世界杯官方app services such as the 世界杯官方app Card Office or parking privileges and access to resources such as laboratories, keys, and regular use of computers. An example would be a person that is paid by the Veteran’s Administration to work on campus as a specialist in veteran programs.


  1. Current Employee/Volunteer/Service Without Salary/世界杯官方app Affiliated Worker
    1. Reads and understand the notice on the CBC form and 世界杯官方app and UT System policies regarding CBCs.
    2. When required, completes the CBC form accurately and legibly.
    3. Submits the completed form to the hiring department or People Excellence (PE) as required.
  2. Applicant
    1. Reads and understands the notice on the CBC form and 世界杯官方app and UT System policies regarding CBCs.
    2. Completes the CBC form accurately and legibly.
    3. Submits the form to the hiring department or PE as required.
  3. Hiring/Employing or Affiliated Department
    1. Selects the correct CBC form based on employment or service category. The CBC categories can be found on the PE Criminal Background Check website.
    2. Takes reasonable steps to verify the identity of the Applicant, current employee or Volunteer with a federal or state photo identification document.
    3. Requests that the Applicant, Employee, Volunteer, individuals performing Service Without Salary or 世界杯官方app Affiliated Worker complete the CBC form accurately and legibly. 
    4. Verifies continuous student status for student employees.
    5. Submits the CBC form to PE with appropriate signatures when required.
    6. Reviews the CBC results provided by the 世界杯官方app Police Department (世界杯官方appPD) in order to make an informed decision to allow them to be associated with 世界杯官方app in an unpaid status.
  4. People Excellence
    1. Receives CBC request and verifies correct selection of CBC category and completion of form.
    2. Enters information submitted into the CBC portal.
    3. Forwards the CBC forms to 世界杯官方appPD.
    4. In conjunction with the 世界杯官方appPD, reviews CBC results that are other than acceptable in accordance with 世界杯官方appPD Standard Operating General Order 600-04.
    5. Verifies completion of the CBC prior to Assignment approval.
  5. Police Department
    1. Retrieves the CBC results for assignment into a 世界杯官方app position.
    2. Follows normal procedures for coding CBC results per 世界杯官方appPD General Order 600-04.
    3. In the event that the result of the CBC is other than acceptable, reviews the results with HR prior to notifying the hiring department.
    4. Provides hiring manager with the coded CBC results so that the hiring decision (or decision to allow the individual to work at 世界杯官方app in an unpaid status) can be made.
    5. Provide results of CBC to Human Resources and requesting department. Follows normal procedures for coding CBC results per 世界杯官方appPD General Order 600-04.


A. A CBC, which shall include a sex offender registration check, is required for all positions at 世界杯官方app. The following are required to have a CBC prior to employment or service at 世界杯官方app

1. Both internal and external Applicants that are under final consideration for a position.

2. Volunteer

3. Individuals performing Service Without Salary and Affiliated Workers.

4. Student applicants (graduate and undergraduate) applying to a position requiring student status, 世界杯官方app may rely on a CBC performed at the institution within the past sixty months as long as:

    a.  The student has maintained continuous enrollment during the long semesters (Fall and Spring). 

    b. The student is in a student position with the same criminal background check requirements.

    c. The student is required to report any charges or convictions, including current or upcoming registry as a sex offender, excluding misdemeanor offenses punishable only by a fine in compliance with UTS 124

5. Staff employees that are promoted, reclassified, changing departments, or changing titles.

6. Faculty, staff, students, or 世界杯官方app Affiliated Workers that have a break in service of four (4) months or greater.

7. Current employees that have not previously completed a CBC for 世界杯官方app.

8. Current employees when the President or his/her designee determines it necessary to further the goals of 世界杯官方app. The management discretion CBC procedures can be found at:

B. CBC Exemption.

The following personnel actions are exempt from the requirement of CBCs for current employees:

1. Career progression or Reclassification within a job family occurring within the current department (e.g., associate professor to full (tenured) professor or administrative associate I to administrative associate II).

2. Involuntary Transfers or Reclassifications unless a CBC is deemed necessary by the supervisor or department head based on the circumstances.

3. Assignment changes solely due to funding (e.g. student assistant I (work-study) to student clerk or same title and same department with an account change).

4. Reassignments within the same department and same title with a break in service of four (4) months or less.

5. Faculty reassignments with a break in service of four (4) months or less.

C. Child Development Centers (CDC) fingerprint and name checks.

CDCs operated by, on the property of, or in the facilities of 世界杯官方app will comply wtih UTS124 and all applicable state and federal laws relating to CBCs.

D. Youth Camps
Youth Camps operated by 世界杯官方app will comply with UTS124 and all applicable state and federal laws relating to CBCs.

E. Volunteers in Health Care Facilities
CBCs will be conducted on Volunteers in Health Care Facilities in accordance with UTS 124 and all applicable state and federal laws relating to CBCs.

F. Students in Programs with Assignments to HealthCare Facilities or Involving Patient Care
Students in an educational program that includes assignment to a clinical health care facility or whose assignment may require work with patients must submit to and satisfactorily complete a CBC.   In accordance with UT System policy requiring all UT institutions to include a student background check policy in the HOP, 世界杯官方app’s policy can be found at HOP 4.** (currently in development).

G. Personnel with physical access to the Select Agent Facility
The Responsible Official for the Select Agent Program determines annual requirement for CBCs for personnel with physical access to the Select Agent facility. Individuals working in areas with increased security requirements may be subject to CBC’s on a more frequent basis.

H. General Information

1. A CBC form shall be completed and signed by the individual needing a CBC, before the request for a CBC is submitted. Exception: No authorization is required if the DPS public site is used.

a. The necessary CBC forms are found at the following sites:

i. Vendor search

ii. DPS secure check

iii. DPS public check

iv. DPS public check wtih multiple candidates

2. Where state or federal law requires that a position be subject to a CBC using a specific source of CBC information and/or certain procedures, 世界杯官方app will comply with such laws. To the extent such laws impose CBCs that are more extensive 世界杯官方app may rely on compliance with the statute to satisfy the requirements of this policy. 世界杯官方appPD in consultation with Human Resources will evaluate these requirements.

3. A criminal background check conducted by a federal government agency may be used to satisfy the requirements of this policy for an individual on assignment from a federal agency, if 世界杯官方app receives documentation from the federal agency showing that the federal agency has conducted a background check, including a criminal background check with a sex offender registration in compliance with UTS 124.

4. All rules, laws, and applicable procedures must be followed under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) for those on whom a vendor search is performed.

I. Disqualification for CBC

1. Except as provided in # 5 below, an individual with a criminal record will not automatically be disqualified from employment, promotion or appointment. A case by case review will be conducted for results obtained on the CBC by the 世界杯官方appPD and PE in consultation with the hiring manager, respective vice president or provost, and president (as needed). 

2. When a report is received that indicates an Applicant or current employee has a criminal record that may affect the employment or service decision, the individual will be notified of this prior to the hiring decision They will be notified of their right to challenge the accuracy and completeness of the report.

3. If the individual indicates the information in the report is incorrect or incomplete, the individual will be afforded the opportunity to present documentation to the 世界杯官方appPD that supports their dispute of the report.  This documentation must be received within 3 business days.

a. If the individual cannot provide documentation to dispute the report, or has to begin the process to correct a report, the decision will be finalized based on the information found in the report and the information provided by the individual.  Hiring decisions will not be delayed by any processes used to correct a CBC report.

b. If the candidate indicates the record is correct, the review of the report will be finalized.

4. When a report from a private vendor is received that indicates an individual has a criminal record that affects the hiring decision, the resulting report is considered a “consumer report” under FCRA and 世界杯官方app must comply with FCRA disclosure and notice requirements.

5. 世界杯官方app will not hire, continue to employ, appoint or assign an individual if information is obtained that the individual has been convicted or placed on deferred adjudication for an offense that would require:

a. The individual to register as a sex offender under Chapter 62, Code of Criminal Procedure, which includes, but is not limited to, such offenses as Continuous Sexual Abuse of Young Child; Sexual Assault; Aggravated Sexual Assault; or

b. An offense under the laws of another state or federal law that is equivalent to an offense requiring such registration, unless the hiring/appointing official, as appropriate, articulates a compelling justification, the head of Human Resources, the 世界杯官方app Chief of Police and the President concurs, and the individual has no higher than a level one (low) risk as determined by the risk assessment screening tool implemented pursuant to Chapter 62, Code of Criminal Procedure. If no such risk level is assigned, then the risk level cannot exceed a low risk as determined by the 世界杯官方appPD Chief.

6. Grievance rights to the employment or service decision. 

a. Any decision based on a CBC made by 世界杯官方app is final and may not be grieved by the following:

  • An External Applicant;
  • A Volunteer;
  • An individual seeking Service Without Salary;
  • A 世界杯官方app Affiliated Worker;
  • b. Current Employees (staff) as internal Applicants or those who have a Reclassification may respond as follows:

    i. The standard grievance procedures will be used to challenge the employment decisions made based on the CBC (refer to HOP policy 3.04, Grievances of Non-Faculty Employees).

    ii. If the CBC leads to a termination decision, a classified employee may appeal using the process outlined in HOP policy 3.03 Discipline and Dismissal of Classified Employees. Administrative and Professional employees are not covered by HOP policy 3.03 and may not appeal the dismissal decision

    C. Current Faculty

    i. Standard grievance procedures will be used to challenge the employment decision as outlined in HOP policy 2.34 Faculty Grievance Procedure.

    ii. If the CBC leads to a termination decision, procedures will be followed as outlined in HOP policy 2.13 Termination and Nonreappointment of Faculty Member.

    J. Self-Reporting

    1. External Applicants for employment must report in writing within five business days any charges or convictions (and whether registered as a sex offender or will be required to register as a sex offender), excluding misdemeanor offenses punishable only by fine, occurring after the date of application for employment at 世界杯官方app.

    2. Current employees of 世界杯官方app must report to their supervisor in writing, within five business days, any criminal complaint, information, indictment, no contest plea, guilty plea or criminal convictions (and whether registered as a sex offender or will be required to register as a sex offender), excluding misdemeanor offenses punishable only by fine.

    3. Failure to report under this section is a violation of this policy and may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination, as appropriate.

    4. Falsification or omission of criminal record information required to be reported is grounds either to reject an Applicant or discipline/terminate a current employee.

    K. Contractors and Vendors.

    This section applies to contractors other than Child-Care and Youth Camp contractors for whom the provisions in section C and D of this policy apply.

    1. Departments hiring an individual by contract or service agreement   shall consider the following when determining whether a CBC is appropriate: 

    1. The location of the service to be performed; (e.g. a speaker that will roam the campus freely vs. a speaker that will do a 1 hour lecture and leave the campus.)
    2. The access the individual will have to 世界杯官方app community (e.g. a presenter for a weekend seminar that has one on one access to students vs.  a presenter with supervised access to students); and
    3. The access the individual will have to 世界杯官方app resources (e.g. Contractors who have access to 世界杯官方app information resources; access to confidential information; access to currency; access to pharmaceuticals, select agents or controlled substances; responsibility for care of patients or vulnerable populations should have a CBC.)
    4. The contracting company is required to conduct a criminal background check which is stated in the contract.

    I. Records.

    CBC records must be handled and retained in accordance with Texas Government Code § 411.094 and all other applicable state and federal laws as follows:

    1. Confidential Records.  Records obtained from a criminal background check database will be regarded as confidential as required by law and will not be made a part of the applicant's file or the employee's personnel file. The information will be kept in a separate secure file and will not be communicated to any unauthorized person.

    2. Criminal History Record Information.  Under Texas Government Code Section 411.085, the unauthorized release of criminal history record information, information obtained from the TxDPS secure site consisting of identifiable descriptions and notations of arrests, detentions, indictments, information, and other formal criminal charges and their dispositions, is prohibited thus shall not be released without seeking legal advice with respect to any requested release of such information.

    3. Destruction of Records Obtained from a Criminal Background Check Database.  世界杯官方appPD shall destroy all records obtained from a criminal background check database about the individual six months after it is obtained.

    4. Self-Reports.  Self-reports of charges or convictions as required by this policy will be maintained with the employee’s personnel file in PE in accordance with 世界杯官方app records retention schedule.




    CBC Categories

    Guidelines for Contractors/Vendors

    CBC forms

    Contract Routing Form

