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Handbook of Operating Procedures
Chapter 4 - Personnel General
Publication Date: December 21, 2017
Policy Reviewed Date: June 24, 2024
Policy Owner: VP for External Relations

4.22 University Marketing, Branding and Communications


The University of Texas at San Antonio (世界杯官方app) will ensure that the use of its wordmark and branding elements are used appropriately and in compliance with the University of Texas System (UT System) Board of Regents.


This policy provides for institutional control over the appropriate use of the wordmarks and other branding identity elements.


The scope of this policy affects all 世界杯官方app departments, colleges, centers, institutes, approved groups, and official entities.



世界杯官方app or UT System or the Board of Regents' Rules & Regulations

  1. UT System Board of Regents' Rule 40801 - Official Seal, Colors, Logo, and Mascot
  2. UT System Board of Regents' Rule 80107 - Filming Motion Pictures or Television Productions


If you have any questions about HOP Policy 4.22, University Communications and Marketing, contact the following office:

The Office of University Communications and Marketing



Brand: A brand is an organization’s claim of differentiation or distinction. It is the sum total of people’s perceptions of 世界杯官方app. An organization’s brand is shared in all touchpoints of the organization’s daily operations. Through strategic communications and marketing, organizations can shape their brands among groups of people who are key to the organization’s success.

Brand Compliance: The act of aligning an organization’s communications and marketing touchpoints with prescribed standards, inclusive of organizational rules and regulations, to achieve consistency, clarity and strength and to shape perception of the organization among people who are key to the organization’s success.

Brand Promise: An organization’s overarching claim. This is who 世界杯官方app says it is and what 世界杯官方app says it will do.

Branding: The process of strategically presenting messages and visuals to help shape 世界杯官方app’s desired perception of the university.

Key Message: A strong statement that demonstrates an organization's belief about itself or a particular issue about which the organization takes a stand. Key messages are supported by proof points (examples that demonstrate the accuracy of the message).

世界杯官方app Logo: The artwork that represents the specific way the letters 世界杯官方app are represented and images of the roadrunner, in full or in part. This includes 世界杯官方app word marks and athletics images.

Wordmark: A specific design for the written name of an organization, intended to aid recognition. A wordmark offers the name of an organization in a specialized typeface. A wordmark should not be confused with a logo, which is a graphic or emblem representation of an organization. The use of logos is not permitted at 世界杯官方app.


    1. Office of University Communications and Marketing
      1. Develops prescribed standards for all university entities to ensure brand compliance
      2. Provides strategic and tactical counsel to all university entities in branding, communications, marketing and related areas
      3. Provides tools and other resources that promote, protect and advance the 世界杯官方app brand
    2. University faculty and staff, and their designees
      1. Are responsible for understanding HOP 4.22
      2. Are responsible for proactively following the 世界杯官方app Brand Identity Guidelines
      3. Will make every effort to ensure their units are brand compliant
      4. Will seek counsel from University Communications and Marketing when brand compliance-related clarification or direction is needed


    The Chief Communications Officer is responsible for protecting, promoting and advancing the 世界杯官方app brand and has final authority over all communications and marketing activities for the university. Offices, departments and programs must coordinate with University Communications and Marketing to ensure proper use of 世界杯官方app’s brand-related elements, including the university’s key messages and visual identity. All entities of 世界杯官方app are required to be in compliance with the brand standards of the university.

    1. Brand Compliance
      University Communications and Marketing establishes guidelines for the university to ensure brand compliance and maintains a comprehensive online resource that includes 世界杯官方app’s key messages and brand elements. This includes registered marks, which are the sole property of the university and can only be applied to products, in publications and in other communications and marketing vehicles with the oversight and permission of University Communications and Marketing.

      All 世界杯官方app marketing materials, including printed, multimedia and other tangible materials, must be brand compliant. Individuals, departments, offices and programs must contact University Communications and Marketing to ensure proper review of all promotional materials prior to production, distribution or delivery to ensure brand compliance.
    2. The University Seal
      Use of the university seal is reserved exclusively for the Office of the President. Individuals with questions about the use of the university seal must consult University Communications and Marketing. Final authority for decisions about the use of the university seal rests with the president or his or her designee.

    3. The 世界杯官方app Watermark and Logo
      University logos (including wordmark and athletics images) are subject to approval by the UT System Board of Regents. Control is exercised legally under copyright and trademarking statutes through the UT System Office of General Counsel's Trademarking and Licensing division. See The Use of the University Name, Seal, Logo and Athletic Emblem (Roadrunner) - HOP 9.12 and 世界杯官方app Student Publications - HOP 5.3 .

    4. The 世界杯官方app Name and Wordmark
      The University of Texas at San Antonio is the university's official name. The approved abbreviation of the university's name is 世界杯官方app. The official name and abbreviation are on file with the University of Texas System Office of Trademarks and Licensing as registered marks of the university. Other forms of the name of the university are not authorized by the UT System Board of Regents and may not be used in association with any official university function or activity, on any documents, products, athletic jerseys or other athletic clothing, or in any written or visual representation.

      The official university name, address and telephone number must appear on all official 世界杯官方app publications as follows:

      The University of Texas at San Antonio
      One 世界杯官方app Circle
      San Antonio, Texas, 78249-1644

    5. Campus Signage and Advertisting
      Official university signage must reflect the same wordmark as other university materials and must conform with the campus accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disability Act.

      University Communications and Marketing reviews and approves all permanent and temporary internal and external campus signage for brand compliance. Examples of such signage include, but are not limited to, video and digital signage, building acronyms and other designations placed on the exterior of buildings (not to include building naming); parkway and parking signs; interior directional signs; room designators; temporary signs at construction sites and other areas; and signs hung or displayed in common areas such as the courtyard, the Sombrilla, and on the sides of buildings, parkways or in the gallerias of buildings.

      Additionally, the naming designations of buildings and interior and exterior spaces, and the composition of signage including font, size, materials and placement, must be approved by the Vice President for External Relations.

      The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs provides oversight and approval for the placement of signs, tables and other information in areas designated as student commons areas.

      Agreements whereby the university receives fees or services in exchange for the placement of signage are subject to the review of University Communications and Marketing. In addition, any agreements entered into with suppliers, manufacturers or service providers who wish to use campus space for the display of promotional material or advertising are subject to the review of University Communications and Marketing.

    6. Intercollegiate Athletics
      The Office of Intercollegiate Athletics makes broad use of the university's wordmark and the Roadrunner on products and promotional pieces it issues on behalf of ticket sales, fundraising events and the raising of general revenue. It is university policy that all uses of the university's name, wordmark, mascot and other elements of 世界杯官方app Athletics’ visual identity relating to 世界杯官方app receive the prior approval of University Communications and Marketing. This includes the development of all products, promotional agreements (such as radio contracts or billboard designations) and other such activities undertaken by the Office of Intercollegiate Athletics. The designation of "Texas-San Antonio" is no longer appropriate for any reason by the 世界杯官方app Office of Intercollegiate Athletics or any other entity of the university.

    7. The University Mascot (Character and Image)
      The Roadrunner character and persona, “Rowdy,” is the official mascot of 世界杯官方app. Its use is subject to review and approval by the Office of Intercollegiate Athletics.

      Use of the official Roadrunner image (full body and/or head) is subject to university branding guidelines. Roadrunner artwork variations that have been used in the past are no longer appropriate for use on university documents, products or other collateral unless approved by the Office of University Communications and Marketing.

    8. Alterations of the 世界杯官方app Brand
      University policy prohibits individuals, departments, offices and programs from altering 世界杯官方app’s brand elements without the express written permission of University Communications and Marketing. Variations of the university’s visual brand as well as the creation of new university logos are not brand compliant and will not be approved by University Communications and Marketing. Additionally, slogans, taglines, sell lines and other brand enhancements are discouraged and must be approved by University Communications and Marketing prior to use. For access to a brand compliant logo suite, contact University Communications and Marketing.

    9. 世界杯官方app Downtown Campus and 世界杯官方app Institute of Texan Cultures
      世界杯官方app Downtown Campus and the 世界杯官方app Institute of Texan Cultures are subject to the same oversight as the Main Campus and must be brand compliant in their printed and visual materials. All materials published by the 世界杯官方app Downtown Campus and the 世界杯官方app Institute of Texan Cultures are subject to review and approval by University Communications and Marketing.

    10. Media Relations
      The Chief Communications Officer serves as the university’s spokesperson and provides timely responses to the media, including requests for university statements, institutional information and other institutional matters. 世界杯官方app students, faculty and staff members, friends and visitors are prohibited from issuing official university statements, without the expressed written permission of the Chief Communications Officer.

      Under the direction of the Chief Communications Officer, University Communications and Marketing serves as 世界杯官方app’s central liaison to the media. 世界杯官方app faculty members, staff members and registered student organizations must work with University Communications and Marketing to plan and coordinate external communications for the news media, including but not limited to news releases, media advisories and calendar notices; media communications and pitches by email, telephone or in-person; responses to incoming media requests; tour requests; the media’s participation in events and sponsorships of events organized by the media.

      All 世界杯官方app entities that are working with external partners to engage the media must notify University Communications and Marketing prior to the distribution of any oral, written or electronic communications or the scheduling of any media interview. Additionally, all news stories, news releases and news announcements that originate at 世界杯官方app and include review by, contributions from or approval of the University of Texas System must be routed to UT System personnel through the 世界杯官方app Office of University Communications and Marketing.

    11. Commercial Filming Requests
      世界杯官方app allows commercial filming on its campuses provided those creating the footage are in compliance with UT System Board of Regents Rules and Regulations. Commercial filming requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis according to a process that begins with University Communications and Marketing. Learn more about commercial filming requests on University Communications and Marketing’s website and by reviewing UT System Board of Regents Rule 80107.

    12. Photography and Videography
      University Communications and Marketing manages a team of photographers and videographers for university-level projects that further 世界杯官方app’s overall strategic goals. More information is available at

    13. Publications
      University Communications and Marketing produces and distributes the university’s official magazines, including Sombrilla magazine. Individuals, departments, offices or programs must notify University Communications and Marketing of the intent to publish a magazine as well as the magazine’s production timeline and content. Publications created and managed by all 世界杯官方app entities must be brand compliant and must reflect the core values of the university.

      The placement of all non-university publications on all 世界杯官方app campuses requires the review and approval of University Communications and Marketing prior to distribution on campus.

      Agreements whereby the university receives fees or services in exchange for the placement of publications are subject to the review of University Communications and Marketing. In addition, any agreements entered into with suppliers, manufacturers or service providers who wish to use campus space for the display of promotional material or advertising are subject to the review of University Communications and Marketing.

    14. Websites
      Communications and Marketing has oversight responsibility for the creation of new 世界杯官方app websites, including design and brand compliance of those sites, naming conventions as well as the navigational placement of new and existing websites with respect to the 世界杯官方 home page to ensure proper placement of 世界杯官方app webpages within 世界杯官方app’s overarching digital web presence.

      All 世界杯官方app colleges, departments, programs, offices, divisions, individuals and other 世界杯官方app entities are responsible for ensuring their website(s) remain brand compliant and reflect the core values of university. Additionally, all 世界杯官方app-affiliated websites are expected to be regularly maintained to ensure accurate and up-to-date information is presented to the public.

      To support brand consistency and compliance, University Communications and Marketing offers brand compliant web page templates for the university community to use when building new and updating existing websites.

      In accordance with federal law, 世界杯官方app websites must be designed to be accessible, so that people with disabilities have access to online information, data and services comparable to that accorded individuals who do not have disabilities.

      世界杯官方app follows the standards established under Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, amended in 1998 by the Work Force Investment Act (Section 1194.22 and its subsequent amendments) as its minimum requirements for web accessibility. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines established by the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Accessibility Initiative (W3C-WAI) includes guidelines that are not addressed in Section 508. These Guidelines are preferred as a 世界杯官方app best practice.

    15. Social Media
      The Office of University Communications and Marketing manages 世界杯官方app’s official social media channels.

      The creation of social media channels by 世界杯官方app entities must be coordinated with and reported to University Communications and Marketing. All social media channels created and managed by a 世界杯官方app entity must be linked to and accessible using the entity’s default email address. In the event a default email address does not exist for any particular 世界杯官方app entity, that entity is responsible for taking the necessary steps to have an entity-specific default email account created prior to the creation of any social media account.

      Once a 世界杯官方app social media channel is created, it must remain brand compliant and active. It must also reflect the core values of the university. Social media managers are responsible for the accuracy of the content placed on their social media channels. University Communications and Marketing reserves the right to take appropriate steps to terminate any social media account that violates this policy.

      For more information, visit

    16. Use of the Institutional Identity
      The use of 世界杯官方app stationery, business cards, email and other resources for anything other than bonafide 世界杯官方app business is prohibited. Individuals, offices, departments and programs may not use official university stationery, business cards, email and other 世界杯官方app branded items to communicate information or personal views that suggest the opinions presented reflect the official views of the university. Use of university stationery, business cards and email or other university trademarks or documents to further an individual’s private business interests or to express political or personal viewpoints is expressly forbidden. Orders for stationery and business cards are processed through a link on the University Communications and Marketing website or by ordering forms directly from a printer contracted by 世界杯官方app. A 世界杯官方app procurement card (or Procard) may be used for purchasing this service.

      Although the stationery website is open for all faculty and staff to use, your department will have a designated location agent who accepts or approves all orders. This person monitors all the printing requests from his or her assigned area.

      For complete guidelines on 世界杯官方app stationery, business cards and other resources, visit

      The Office of University Communications and Marketing has final authority to decide what can and cannot be listed on stationery, business cards and other resources.

    17. Advertising
      University Communications and Marketing is responsible for the university’s institutional advertising including, but not limited to, broadcast, print, outdoor and digital advertising. To maximize the use of taxpayer resources, 世界杯官方app individuals, offices, departments and programs must provide advertising plans to University Communications and Marketing for review prior to the purchase of advertising space. All advertising spots, graphics, etc. must be approved by University Communications and Marketing prior to release to ensure brand compliance.

    18. 世界杯官方app Key Messages
      University Communications and Marketing develops appropriate institutional messages reflecting the attributes of the university. Individuals, departments, offices and programs should contact University Communications and Marketing for assistance with message consistency.




    Brand Identity Guide
    Editorial Guidelines
    Social Media Guidelines

