Chapter 2 - Faculty and Academics
Previous Publication Date: November 14, 2019
Publication Date: January 14, 2021
Policy Reviewed Date: November 2, 2023
Policy Owner: VP for Academic Affairs
2.52 Modified Workload for Eligible Faculty with Certain Dependency-Changing Events
The University of Texas at San Antonio (世界杯官方app) recognizes the importance of supporting faculty in the event of a qualified dependency-changing event, as defined below in this policy. It is the policy of 世界杯官方app to support faculty when personal circumstances require modifications to their academic workloads, while ensuring continuity in classroom instruction and University programs.
The purpose of this policy is to provide support to faculty in the event of a dependency-changing event through the development of a modified workload during paid employment.
This policy applies to all appointed, full-time, benefits eligible faculty (tenured and tenure-track) on the instructional budget. The modified workload is applied in a single long-session semester of the academic year. It cannot be applied for summer sessions.
世界杯官方app or UT System Policies or the Board of Regents' Rules and Regulations
- HOP 2.06 Medical Absences and Teaching Continuity
- HOP 2.10 Faculty Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure
- HOP 2.14 Faculty Workload Requirement
- HOP 2.25 Faculty Development Leave
- HOP 4.20 Authorized Leave
If you have any questions about HOP policy 2.52, Modified Workload for Eligible Faculty with Certain Dependency-Changing-Events, contact the following office(s):
Academic Affairs 210-458-4110
Qualified Dependency-Changing Event
A qualified dependency-changing event includes the birth or adoption of a child, or new single-caregiver status with respect to a child.
Eligible Individuals
Eligible individuals include tenured/tenure-track faculty members who are the primary caregivers of a biological or adopted child.
If two eligible individuals in a family household with a qualified dependency-changing event are employed by the University as tenure/tenure-track faculty, then each is eligible to receive modified duties for up to one semester for a qualifying event.
Modified Workload
Full-time workload prescribed to an Eligible Individual that is altered from a typical workload on a temporary basis because of a qualified dependency-changing event. A Modified Workload shall, in all respects, be in compliance with applicable laws, Regents Rules and other University regulations.
- Eligible Individual Faculty Member
- Will inform the Department Chair in writing (according to procedures outlined in section IV.A) that they have a qualified dependency-changing event that will interrupt their teaching duties in a long semester.
- Will work with his/her Department Chair to determine a Modified Workload (according to procedures outlined in section IX.A) for the semester in which the accommodation will occur.
- Department Chair
- The Department Chair will work with the Eligible Individual Faculty Member to modify his/her workload for one long semester, as defined below in section IX.A.
- Upon agreement on a Modified Workload, the Department Chair will inform the Dean in writing thereof, and the Dean shall then approve or deny the Modified Workload.
- The Department Chair is responsible for securing the services of a qualified instructor to teach the appropriate classes. When adequate departmental funding is not available, requests for supplemental funds to cover any additional instructional costs may be submitted to the Dean.
- Dean
- Will review, and approve or deny, the submitted Modified Workload by the Department Chair, document any approved change, and submit it to Academic Affairs for its records.
- Will notify the Vice President for Research, Economic Development, and Knowledge Enterprise of an approved Modified Workload at the time that he or she notifies Academic Affairs.
- May also supplement departmental funding for any additional instructional costs associated with this Modified Workload.
- Academic Affairs
- Will issue a letter to the Dean, Department Chair, and Eligible Individual Faculty Member stating the approved Modified Workload.
Any documentation that an Eligible Individual Faculty Member provides administration (department chair, dean, or provost) should be retained along with the approved Modified Workload.
- Modified Workload
- The Eligible Individual Faculty Member shall notify the Department Chair in writing of his/her request for one semester of active Modified Workload due to a qualified dependency-changing event at least thirty (30) days in advance of the start of the applicable semester. If thirty (30) days’ notice is not practicable, such as when the event is not foreseeable at that time, then written notice must be given as soon as practicable thereafter. The Department Chair will notify the Dean in writing.
- When the Department Chair receives a request for Modified Workload, the Department Chair will work with the Eligible Individual Faculty Member to develop a Modified Workload for up to one long semester (fall or spring).
- The Modified Workload may release the Eligible Individual Faculty Member from certain duties, including teaching.
- An agreed-upon Modified Workload will have no required make-up of teaching duties, and no required additional 世界杯官方app service (e.g., committee) assignments.
- Work during the period of the Modified Workload may include teaching online courses, significant scholarly research and publication, new course development, curriculum development as well as customary duties of advising and mentoring undergraduate and graduate students, reviewing graduate work, writing, field observations, and/or service to professional organizations.
- The work activities during the period of the Modified Workload shall reflect the temporary assignment agreed to between the Eligible Individual Faculty Member and the chair of the department.
- The redistribution of workload will not, in and of itself, negatively affect the annual and tenure evaluations of the Eligible Individual Faculty Member.
- The Department Chair will submit the workload revision to the Dean for final decision and documentation.
- The Dean will submit the Modified Workload to Academic Affairs for documentation.
- The Academic Affairs will issue a letter to the Dean, Department Chair, and Eligible Individual Faculty Member stating the Modified Workload.
- Extensions of Probationary Period for Tenure-Track Faculty
When a non-tenured, tenure-track faculty member is on a Modified Workload under this policy, an automatic one-year extension of the tenure clock will be granted for a first qualified dependency-changing event. The tenure clock extension will be discussed and confirmed in the letter from Academic Affairs. If a faculty member has already been granted an extension, a subsequent extension may be granted only by following the established request process anew (in accordance with HOP 2.10 and Regents Rule 31007). Approval of an extension is not dictated by the prior decision. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an Eligible Individual Faculty Member may opt out of the automatic one-year extension to the tenure clock by giving written notice of the opt out decision to the Provost, Dean, and Department Chair.
- Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Consistent with the FMLA, eligible faculty can take leave in addition to the semester of Modified Workload outlined in this policy (see HOP 2.06). If a faculty member qualifies for the use of FMLA or parental leave (instead of requesting a Modified Workload), the faculty member will be required to follow the policy adopted by 世界杯官方app (HOP 4.20). The contact for Family Medical Leave Act is Human Resource Office.