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Handbook of Operating Procedures
Chapter 4 - Personnel General
Previous Publication Date: May 13, 2021
Publication Date: June 23, 2023
Policy Owner: VP for Business Affairs

4.09 Student Employees


At the University of Texas at San Antonio (世界杯官方app), students make up an important and valued part of the workforce. Student employment mutually benefits students and the University by providing students with financial support in pursuit of their academic goals and opportunities for academic or administrative job experience; while also providing a resource to the University to meet workforce requirements.


This policy establishes general guidelines for student employees.


This policy applies to departments which utilize position(s) that require student status as a condition of employment. Individuals applying for or holding positions that do not require student status as a condition of employment, but are enrolled as 世界杯官方app students are not addressed in this policy.



  1. University of Texas System Policies or the Board of Regents' Rules & Regulation
    1. UT System Office of Employee Benefits Administrative Manual Rev. June 2013
  2. State Statutes
    1. Texas Education Code Section 54
  3. 世界杯官方app HOP Policies
    1. 世界杯官方app HOP policy 5.05, Certification of Employment for Resident Tuition
  4. Other Policies and Standards
    1. 世界杯官方app Human Resources Classified Student Positions
    2. 世界杯官方app Human Resources Classified Job Titles, Salary Ranges and Job Descriptions


If you have any questions about HOP policy 4.09, Student Employees, contact the following office:

People Excellence


  1. Student Employee: An employee appointed into a position requiring student status as a condition of employment. Student employees must be enrolled in a recognized educational institution on a half-time or greater basis during the current or next scheduled semester. A student volunteer who meets these criteria is not considered a student employee.
  2. Student Status: The standing of an individual based on enrollment requirements for the student position.
  3. Student Position: A paid appointment that requires a student status as a condition of employment.


  1. Hiring Manager/Supervisor
    1. Verifies student meets eligibility requirements for student position.
    2. Follows 世界杯官方app procedures for hiring and assigning an individual to a position.
  2. Student
    1. Meets the eligibility requirements for student status based on the student position.
    2. Required to be in good academic standing as provided in the Graduate Catalog.
    3. Follows application requirements for the desired position.
  3. People Excellence
    1. Coordinates with the Graduate School and Academic Affairs for establishment and review of student positions and pay structure.
    2. Approves student assignments.
    3. Approves pay structures submitted by dean or vice president.
  4. Academic Affairs and Graduate School
    1. Coordinates with People Excellence for establishment and review of student positions and pay structure.
  5. Financial Aid Office
    1. Handles appointments of work study student positions.
    2. Processes forms and awards work study funds.
  6. Fiscal Services Office
    1. Determines eligibility for resident tuition rates.


  1. Selection of all student employees will be free of discrimination.
  2. Concurrent appointments are allowed with all student positions if the student employee’s total appointments do not exceed the allowable work hours. Allowable work hours are based on the student Position requirements.
  3. All student employees must be paid within the established salary range for the student position.
    1. Except for the following, student positions are paid on an hourly basis. Exceptions to pay on an hourly basis are granted for Teaching Assistants, Graduate Research Assistants, and Assistant Instructors.
  4. Qualifications and limitations for certain Student Positions
    1. Work study funded positions limit a student employee to no more than 19 hours per week over a four and one-half month period. Student employees applying for these positions must be enrolled at least six credit hours and provide verification of work study award to the department. The Student employee receives the work study award information from the Financial Aid Office.
    2. Undergraduate Research Assistants limit a student employee to no more than 19 hours per week. Enrollment for at least nine credit hours for each long session and a total of six credit hours during the summer session is required.
    3. Graduate Student Assistantships
      1. Fully Funded Full-Time Doctoral Students
        1. Must be enrolled full-time, 9 hours in long semester (fall and spring) and 3 hours in summer to be appointed for full graduate assistantship that provides for a maximum of 19 hours per week.
        2. Students with full graduate assistantships will be enrolled as prepaid Single Subscriber in the UT System Student Health Insurance Plan (UTSHIP).
        3. Student may be appointed as Graduate Research Assistant, Graduate Teaching Assistant or Graduate Service Assistant (GRA, GTA or GSA) (please refer to 3.45 for definitions).
      2. Doctoral Students with Exceptions for Part-time Status
        1. Must be enrolled full-time, 6hours in long semester (fall and spring) and 1 hour in summer to be appointed for partial FTE prorated graduate assistantship that provides for a maximum of 15 hours per week.
        2. Students may hold GRA, GTA or GSA position if partially funded.
        3. Students may be appointed as Graduate Administrative Assistants (GAA, please refer to 3.45 for definition) if not funded.
      3. Master’s Students
        1. Student are encouraged to be enrolled full-time, 9 hours in long semester (fall and spring) and 3 hours in summer.
        2. Students may hold a GRA, GTA, GSA or GAA position.
      4. Internships/Practicums
        1. Students in programs that require clinical setting are required to have health insurance. Eligible students may subscribe to UT System Student Health Insurance Plan (UTSHIP) at their own expense to satisfy this requirement.
      5. Positions
        1. Graduate Research Assistants (GRA) limit a student employee appointment to no more than 19 hours per week. Enrollment for at least six credit hours for each long session and as prescribed by the Provost with a minimum of one credit hour during the summer sessions is required.
        2. Graduate Administrative Assistant (GAA) limits a student employee appointment to no more than 19 hours per week. Enrollment for at least six credit hours for each long session and as prescribed by the Provost with a minimum of one credit hour during the summer session is required.
        3. Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTA) limit a student employee appointment to no more than 19 hours per week. Enrollment of at least six credit hours for each long session and as prescribed by the Provost with a minimum of one credit hour during the summer session in which they teach is required.
        4. Graduate Service Assistants (GSA) limit a student employee appointment to no more than 19 hours per week. Enrollment of at least six credit hours for each long session and as prescribed by the Provost with a minimum of one credit hour during the summer session in which service is provided.
    4. Paid Student Interns are limited to total appointment of no more than nineteen (19) hours per week.
      1. Student interns must be earning academic credit for their appointments.
      2. Student interns must be enrolled in an approved internship course to qualify for this position.
      3. Non-paid student interns are not covered in this policy.





