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Handbook of Operating Procedures
Chapter 2 - Faculty and Academics
Previous Publication Date: August 18, 2015
Publication Date: March 5, 2021
Policy Reviewed Date: November 1, 2023
Policy Owner: VP for Academic Affairs

2.38 Elimination of Academic Positions and Program Closures


It is the policy of The University of Texas at San Antonio (世界杯官方app) to provide institutional procedures for an in-depth review to inform and guide decisions concerning the elimination of academic positions and the closure of programs. Such positions and programs may be eliminated for bona fide academic reasons or as a result of financial exigency. Approval must also be obtained from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) before a program in which students are enrolled may be closed.


This policy provides guidelines and procedures for closing an academic program and/or eliminating academic positions, in accordance with Regents’ Rules and Regulations Rule 31003,Abandonment of Academic Positions or Programs.  In addition to these other considerations, to be in compliance with federal law, students enrolled in the program to be abandoned must be given the opportunity to complete their studies.


This policy applies to all 世界杯官方app academic programs, faculty and staff.



世界杯官方app or The University of Texas System Policies or the Board of Regents' Rules & Regulations

  1. Board of Regents’ Rule 31003, Abandonment of Academic Positions or Programs
  2. Board of Regents’ Rule 31008, Termination of a Faculty Member
  3. Board of Regents’ Rule 40101 , Faculty Role in Education Policy Formulation
  4. HOP policy 2.35, Substantive Change Procedures Required to Obtain SACSCOC Approval
  5. 世界杯官方app HOP policy 2.39, Academic Program Review
  6. 世界杯官方app HOP policy 3.05, Reduction in Force for Classified Employees

Other Policies & Standards

  1. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges Substantive Change Policy and Procedures


If you have questions about HOP policy 2.38, Elimination of Academic Positions and Program Closures, contact the following office:

Academic Affairs


Closure: Closure of a program is defined as closed to admission or entry, not the cessation of instruction. The closure date should be the date when students can no longer start the program.

Financial exigency: A demonstrably bona fide financial crisis that adversely affects an institution as a whole and that, after considering other cost-reducing measures, including ways to cut faculty costs, requires consideration of terminating appointments held by tenured faculty.

The Faculty Senate:  An elected legislative and deliberative body whose primary purpose is to represent the 世界杯官方app faculty. The Faculty Senate reviews and formulates policy and enacts legislation on all matters pertaining to the professional concerns, duties, standards, ethics, responsibilities, prerequisites, and work conditions of the 世界杯官方app faculty, as well as matters relating to academic freedom and equity for the faculty. The Faculty Senate acts to amend or approve changes to the Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP).

Program Review Committee: A committee of faculty from the college and department which includes at least two individuals not affiliated with the program proposed for closure to conduct a review of current program functioning.

Substantive change: A significant modification or expansion of the nature and scope of an accredited institution. Under federal regulations, substantive change includes closing a program, off-campus site, branch campus, or institution.

Teach-out plan: A written plan developed by an institution that provides for the equitable treatment of students if an institution, or an institutional location that provides 50% or more of at least one program, ceases to operate before all students have completed their program of study. For approval by the SACSCOC, the plan must include the date of closure; an explanation of how affected students, faculty and staff will be informed of the impending closure; an explanation of how all affected students will be helped to complete their programs of study with minimal disruption; an indication as to whether the teach-out plan will incur additional charges/expenses to the students; copies of signed teach-out agreements, if any; and how faculty and staff will be redeployed or helped to find new employment. This applies to the closure of an institution, a site, or a program. Teach-out plans must be approved by the SACSCOC in advance of implementation.

Teach-out agreement:A written agreement between institutions that provides for the equitable treatment of students and a reasonable opportunity for students to complete their program of study if an institution or an institutional location that provides fifty percent or more of at least one program offered ceases to operate before all enrolled students have completed their program of study. For approval by the SACSCOC, the agreement must be between institutions that are accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency and be consistent with applicable SACSCOC policies and standards. Such a teach-out agreement requires SACSCOC approval in advance of implementation.


  1. Program Review Committee
    1. Conducts a review of current program functioning.
    2. Submits a report to the Dean that includes the committee’s decision as well as written input submitted by interested parties or faculty whose position may be terminated due to a program closure.
  2. Ad-hoc Committee on Faculty Termination
    Reviews proposed actions in cases where tenured faculty member's positions are eliminated.
  3. Department Chair
    1. With the Dean, appoints the Program Review Committee from faculty in the college and department and includes at least two individuals not affiliated with the program proposed for closure, to conduct a review of current program functioning.
    2. If tenured positions may be eliminated, works with the Dean to appoint an ad-hoc committee on faculty termination.
  4. Dean
    1. With the Department Chair, appoints the Program Review Committee from faculty in the college and department and includes at least two individuals not affiliated with the program proposed for closure to conduct a review of current program functioning. 
    2. Provides Program Review Committee with specific charge, including HOP policies 2.35 and 2.38.
    3. Reviews Program Review Committee report and, if applicable, ad-hoc committee on faculty termination report. 
    4. Makes a recommendation regarding the program proposed for closure.
    5. Submits Program Review Committee report and, if applicable, ad-hoc committee on faculty termination report and makes recommendation regarding program closure to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (Provost) and to the Faculty Senate or Graduate Council if the program is at the graduate level.
  5. Faculty Senate
    1. Reviews the Program Review Committee report and the Dean's recommendation.
    2. Provides recommendation regarding program closure to the Provost.
  6. Graduate Council
    1. Reviews the Program Review Committee report and the Dean's recommendation.
    2. Provides recommendation regarding program closure to the Provost.
  7. Provost
    1. Reviews Program Review Committee report, Dean’s recommendation, Faculty Senate recommendation and, if applicable, ad-hoc committee report on faculty termination.   Issues final recommendation regarding program closure along with names of any faculty whose positions are to be terminated, to the President.
    2. Notifies affected faculty member(s) upon approval from UT System Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
  8. President
    1. Reviews Program Review Committee report, Dean’s recommendation, Faculty Senate recommendation, Provost recommendation, and if applicable ad-hoc committee report on faculty termination.
    2. Determines when to eliminate academic programs or occupied academic positions, with or without financial exigency. When elimination is determined, the President is responsible for the following actions:
      1. Issues decision to eliminate an academic program through a statement including a rationale.
      2. Issues additional notification to the Faculty Senate Chair, Department Chair and impacted faculty in instances where program closure will result in tenured faculty termination.
      3. Forwards recommendations, if program closure is recommended, to UT System Executive Vice Chancellor for review and final approval.
  9. 世界杯官方app Accreditation Liaison
    Submits a letter of notification and teach-out plan or agreement (if applicable) to the SACSCOC for approval immediately following final approvals at the University and UT System level.


  1. Procedure for Elimination of Academic Positions or Programs for Academic Reasons
    Deadline extensions for steps outlined in Section A, 1-4 must be approved by the Office of the Provost. Deadline extensions for steps outlined in Section A, 5-8 must be approved by the Office of the President. These deadlines shall be monitored by the Office of the Provost.
    1. The Office of the President, through the Office of the Provost, shall notify the Faculty Senate, the college Dean and the Department Chair of the academic unit in which the affected program resides of the proposed elimination of academic positions or program closure pending review.
    2. The college Dean and Department Chair shall appoint a Program Review Committee. Interested faculty members who support the position or program proposed for closure shall be provided with the opportunity to provide a written statement to the Program Review Committee.
      1. The committee's considerations shall be based on:
        1. A review of the most recent academic program review as outlined in HOP policy 2.39, Academic Program Review.
        2. An assessment of the impacts of the proposed actions on current and future students.
        3. The potential impact on the integrity and vitality of other academic programs in the university.
      2. All tenured faculty members whose positions will be eliminated by the proposed position or program closure will be provided the opportunity to provide written input to the Program Review Committee.
      3. The committee shall consider and may offer advice on alternatives by which terminations of tenured faculty members can be avoided or minimized and how the negative effects of any necessary terminations can be mitigated.
      4. The committee shall deliver its report and recommendations to the Dean within 120 working days of the committee’s receiving written documentation of its charge.
    3. Within 10 working days of receipt of the committee report, the Dean will forward both the committee report and his/her recommendations to the Faculty Senate or the Graduate Council for graduate programs and the Office of the Provost.
    4. The Faculty Senate or Graduate Council submits its recommendation to the Provost within 60 days.
    5. Because program closure represents a substantive change from the perspective of the SACSCOC, 世界杯官方app must do the following in accordance with SACSCOC’s policies:
      1. The 世界杯官方app Accreditation Liaison must submit a letter of notification and a teach-out plan or agreement (if applicable) to the SACSCOC immediately following the final approval from the UT System Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs to close.
      2. If students are enrolled in the program to be closed, 世界杯官方app must provide a reasonable opportunity for students to complete their program of study.
        1. The institution must develop and submit to SACSCOC with the letter of notification, a teach-out plan if enrolled students will continue at 世界杯官方app, including a teach-out agreement if 世界杯官方app has arranged for another institution to allow enrolled students to complete their program there.
        2. Teach-out plans and teach-out agreements must be approved by the SACSCOC before the closure can be implemented.
      3. If no students are enrolled, information regarding the semester and year that the last students completed the program must be provided to the Accreditation Liaison.
      4. To ensure timely compliance regarding roles, processes, and significant timelines, HOP policy 2.35, Substantive Change Procedures Required to Obtain SACSCOC Approval, must be followed.
    6. When program closure may result in the termination of employment of tenured faculty members, the Office of the Provost shall appoint an ad-hoc committee on faculty termination to review the proposed actions.
      1. Ad-hoc committee membership:
        1. There must be a minimum of seven (7) faculty members on the ad-hoc committee.
        2. Four (4) of the members of the committee shall be tenured members of the 世界杯官方app faculty. The four will be appointed by the Provost from among a group of not less than eight faculty nominated by the Senate.
        3. Ad-hoc committee members may hold administrative positions.
        4. The names of the ad-hoc committee members nominated by the Faculty Senate shall be provided to the Office of the Provost within 10 working days of the request to the Chair of the Senate.
      2. The committee report shall be received by the Office of the Provost within 60 working days.
    7. The Provost shalll review all committee reports, program review report(s), and recommendations and issue final recommendations and rationale, along with the names of any faculty whose positions are to be terminated, to the Office of the President within 20 working days after receipt of all materials.
    8. Should the President decide to eliminate an academic position or program for academic reasons, a statement of decision including rationale shall be forwarded to the Office of the Provost and to the appropriate college Dean.  In those instances where position or program closure will result in tenured faculty termination, additional notification will be made to the chair of the Faculty Senate, Department Chair and to impacted faculty.
    9. The President will forward recommendations if program closure is recommended to the UT System Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for review and final approval.  The date proposed for the termination of the program shall be no sooner than one academic year after the year in which the UT System Executive Vice Chancellor approves program closure.   
    10. Upon approval by UT System:
      1. Affected faculty member(s) will be notified by the Office of the Provost.
      2. The university will provide appropriate assistance to affected faculty members concerning available alternative employment opportunities, pursuant to Regents' Rule 31003, Section 2.11.
        1. Tenured faculty members will be asked to inform the Office of the Provost through the college Dean of the academic unit to which the faculty members were assigned in writing of any request for reassignment within 世界杯官方app according to applicable college and institutional policy.  Any request for reassignment must be filed in writing with the applicable Dean no later than 10 working days after receiving notification of program closure and position termination. 
        2. If reassignment within the college is not possible, affected faculty may request a meeting with the Office of the Provost to discuss possible reassignment within the university. The faculty member must provide prior notification of this request to the Department Chair and college Dean of the academic unit to which the faculty requests reassignment. The Office of the Provost, through the college Dean, shall notify the faculty member in writing regarding the outcome of these discussions within 40 working days after the meeting. Faculty reassignment may involve relocation into another academic program, change in title, duties and/or responsibilities and salary and/or tenure status. In no case will faculty be assigned into a different academic unit or receive of change of status without the approval of the college Dean and Department Chair of the receiving unit. In the event a reassignment is not possible, the faculty member will be informed in writing by the Office of the Provost through the appropriate college Dean and Department Chair of the outcome along with a rationale.
      3. In no case will the appointment of a terminated tenured faculty member extend beyond the date of program termination.  Prior to and for one academic year subsequent to termination, the affected faculty member shall have the right of “first consideration” among equally qualified candidates for any 世界杯官方app position for which official recruitment and hiring process is conducted and to which the faculty member formally applies.
      4. The faculty member may appeal for reconsideration of the termination decision related to closure of a program for academic reasons pursuant to Regents’ Rule 31003, Section 2.4.
      5. Any faculty member who is terminated pursuant to this policy will be informed of available employee benefits as usual for faculty withdrawing, terminating or retiring, pursuant to Regents’ Rule 31003, Section 2.10.  This information may be provided at any time before the scheduled termination and at least to the extent typically afforded other current and former 世界杯官方app employees.
  2. Procedures for Elimination of Academic Positions Due to Financial Exigency
    When closure of academic positions or programs is the result of financial exigency, the procedure for the selection and notification of those academic positions that are to be terminated shall be governed by Regents' Rule 31003, Section 3.

  3. All classified staff members whose positions shall be eliminated by the proposed program closure will be processed in accordance with HOP policy 3.05, Reduction in Force for Classified Employees.





See Substantive Change for information on 世界杯官方app’s process and procedures for closing an educational program and obtaining SACSCOC approvals.