Chapter 9 - General Provisions
Publication Date: October 9, 2013
Policy Reviewed Date: December 11, 2023
Policy Owner: VP for Business Affairs
9.10 Solicitation on 世界杯官方app Campuses
No solicitations will be conducted on any property, street or sidewalk, or in any building, structure, or facility owned or controlled by the University of Texas at San Antonio unless permitted by the University of Texas System (UT System) Board of Regents’ Rules and Regulations. Solicitations on The University of Texas at San Antonio (世界杯官方app) campuses must not interfere with or disturb the academic programs or administrative activities of students, staff, or faculty.
This policy establishes requirements for solicitation on 世界杯官方app campuses to ensure compliance with the Rules and Regulation of the Board of Regents’ Rule 80103 (RR 80103).
This policy applies to all 世界杯官方app, faculty, staff, students, alumni, vendors, contractors, or visitors.
世界杯官方app or UT System Policies or the Board of Regents' Rules & Regulations
- 世界杯官方app HOP policy 4.06, Employee Discount Program
- 世界杯官方app HOP policy 5.02, Regulations Relating to Student Organizations
- 世界杯官方app HOP policy 5.03, Student Publications
- 世界杯官方app HOP policy 9.37, Peaceful Public Assembly
- UT System Board of Regents’ Rules and Regulations, Rule 80103, Solicitation
If you have any questions about HOP policy 9.10, Solicitation on 世界杯官方app Campuses, contact the following office:
The Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs
Solicitation: The sale, lease, rental or offer for sale, lease, rental of any property, product, merchandise, publication, or service, whether for immediate or future delivery; an oral statement or the distribution or display of printed material, merchandise, or products that is designed to encourage the purchase, use, or rental of any property, product, merchandise, publication or service; the receipt of or request for any gift or contribution; or the request to support or oppose or to vote for or against a candidate, issue, or proposition appearing on the ballot at any election held pursuant to State or Federal law or local ordinances.
Solicitor: Any person or entity engaged in solicitation.
- Solicitor
- Complies with this policy and RR 80103.
- Acquires any and all permits/permissions based on permissible solicitations from the appropriate office, department or committee. This process begins with contacting the Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs.
- Students’ association or a registered student, faculty or staff organization
- Complies with this policy and RR 80103.
- Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs
- Serves as the starting point for solicitors to acquire permission and will direct solicitors to the correct department based on their request.
- Investigates and processes any violations of this policy in consultation with the vice president overseeing the area of the violator. When violations are from an outside entity (non-世界杯官方app faculty, staff or student) the Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs will handle this situation per department policy.
- RR 80103 prohibits solicitation on the campuses of 世界杯官方app. A list of exceptions to this prohibition appears in Section 2 of RR 80103.
- Persons desiring to conduct solicitations or to distribute materials strictly for personal reasons or for personal profit or gain will under no circumstances be granted permission to do so.
- The distribution, sale or offer of sale of publications by means of an unattended rack or vending machine must be approved by the Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs and is permitted only in the areas designated in advance.
- Any request for the distribution or sale of publications through vending outlets and/or additional distribution areas should be directed in writing to the Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs.
- Upon receipt of approval, the solicitor must not interfere with entry to or exit from a building, structure, or facility; will not interfere with the flow of pedestrians or vehicular traffic on sidewalks or streets or at places of ingress and egress to and from property, buildings or facilities; will not harass or intimidate the person or persons being solicited; and will not violate applicable state, federal or local laws or regulations.
- Permissible solicitation: A list of permissible solicitation is available in section 2 of the RR 80103.
- Disclosure of Solicitation. Any students' association and each registered student organization must, within 30 days after the beginning of each long session semester, file with the dean of students or designee a statement fully disclosing the sources and amounts of money obtained from solicitations during the preceding semester or summer session and fully disclosing the purposes and amounts of the expenditures made during the preceding semester or summer session. Any organization failing to comply with this policy will be prohibited from solicitation activities until the organization files the required report.
- Authorization to conduct solicitations on campus by registered student organizations or by registered faculty or staff organizations must be obtained prior to the solicitation. This begins with contacting the Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs.
- Any violation of this policy should be reported to the Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs.
- Any student, faculty member, or staff member is violation of this policy and/or RR 80103 will be subject to such disciplinary penalty as may be appropriate.
- Any students’ association or registered student, faculty, or staff organization will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action and will be prohibited from solicitation for a period or periods of time as may be appropriate.
- In the case of a repeat or serious violation, other appropriate penalties may be imposed where appropriate (e.g. the registered status of an organization may be cancelled).