This page gives you a photo of each student who has registered for your class.
CRN means "Course Reference Number." The five-digit CRN represents the Call Number in the previous system. All CRN's assigned to you will appear in the drop down list box. Decide which class you wish to view, click the CRN, and then click the "Submit" button.
CRNs that begin with "1" represent courses assigned in the Fall term (example: 13492); CRNs that begin with a "2" represent courses assigned in the Spring term (example: 28317); CRNs that begin with a "3" represent courses assigned in the Summer term (example: 32261).
The Detailed Class List includes detailed information about the students who have registered for your class, such as what their college, department, and major is presently. You can click the html link embedded in the student's name which takes you to the phone and address information available for each student.
This page represents detailed course information for the term that you are presently viewing, including the number of students that have registered for your classes at the moment that you are viewing this information, the maximum number of students that can take your course, the term range dates, the Building and Room location(s), and whether or not you are listed as the Primary Instructor of Record.
Each course that you are assigned as the instructor will appear in this Detail Schedule. If you are not assigned to a class that you know you are teaching, please work through your department chair immediately to resolve any discrepancies.
This page includes a schedule matrix that places your courses according to the day and time you are teaching. While each class displays the Building and Room as well as the exact timeframe, if you want more detailed information you can click the html link embedded in the course.
If there are courses such as Independent Study that are not within a specific time range, then they appear at the bottom of this page. You can click on their embedded html link to find out more detailed information about these classes.
Early grade reports are required for all undergraduates. Faculty members are required to report midterm grades seven weeks into the semester during the Fall and Spring Semesters. All undergraduates receiving midterm grade reports of “D+,” “D,” “D-,” or “F” are required to communicate with their assigned academic advisor to develop a plan to improve their grades.
If students stop attending, please indicate the date they stopped attending and select the "02 Stopped attended" Grade Comment; for students who never attended, please select the "01 Never attended" Grade Comment.
The deadline for entering mid-term grades may be found on the academic calendar for each semester located on the One Stop Enrollment site.
Final grade submission via the web will be consistent with University policy; the only difference is that these grades will be submitted electronically instead of using paper forms. Faculty should enter final grades for their students on the web within 3 days after the final examination period.
The deadline for entering final grades may be found on the academic calendar for each semester located on the One Stop Enrollment site.
* Dates are subject to change.
The Registrar's Office will begin "rolling" final grades to academic history on the final submission day and time described in the schedule above. From the time that you first enter your grades to the point just prior to when grades are rolled to history, you can change your assigned grades as often as you feel necessary. Grades will not be available for students to view until they are rolled to history. However, once grades are rolled to history they become available for students to view on their ASAP Web site. Also, once grades are rolled to history you will no longer be able to update/change them on the Final Grade Web page. In the event that you need to change a grade that has been rolled, you may submit an Online Grade Change for undergraduate students (see instructions below). For graduate students, you must complete a paper grade change form and submit this form to your Dean's Office.
University policy states that when a student fails to drop a course, even if the student does not attend the course, he/she will receive a grade of "F" in the class. A grade comment must accompany a grade of “F”. Please select “Never Attended”, “Stopped Attending”, or “Attended until the end of the term” in the grade comment field. If “Stopped Attending” is selected, a Last Date of Attendance is required (if uncertain about the date, please give the date of first missed test or assignment, such as 10/01/2013). If the student never attended or received an F due to poor academic performance, no last date of attendance is needed. 世界杯官方app is required to track this information to remain compliant with federal financial aid regulations.
This page allows you to electronically submit a Requirements for Removal of Incomplete form to the Registrar's Office. This form must be completed before an Incomplete final grade can be assigned to a student. If you need to give a student an incomplete grade, select this menu option. Once in this form, scroll down until you find the student you wish to assign the incomplete grade, and then click the "IN Request" link.
After you selected the "IN Request" link, you will be taken to another page where you can enter the following five items: (1) the reason for assigning the "IN" grade; (2) a check-box indicating that the student has attended at least three-fourths of the term (only students attending three-fourths of the term are eligible for an "IN" grade); (3) a letter grade indicating the student's academic progress so far in your course; (4) a short overview describing the work the student still needs to complete; and (5) a percentage indicating how much work still needs to be completed before a final grade will be given.
Once finished entering this information, submit the form. When you go to the Final Grade Worksheet, the grade of "IN" has automatically been assigned for this student.
Notice that you are not able to delete the "IN" grade on the final grade worksheet once the electronic incomplete form has been submitted. However, if the final grade entry window is still open and the "IN" grade has not been rolled to academic history, simply return to the electronic incomplete form and click the "Delete this Incomplete" button—this action removes the "IN" grade from the Final Grade Worksheet and allows you to enter other grades for this student.
Notice also, that when you are in the Final Grade Worksheet and you select the Grade list box, there is no "IN" grade option available. You can only give an incomplete grade from the electronic incomplete grade form.
After final grades have been rolled to academic history, you may submit an Online Grade Change to change this grade for an undergraduate student; however, the only the only way to change this grade for a graduate student is to follow the usual paper grade change procedures.
Here is a guide to entering a grade of F.
When you click on the "Submit" button, you are transmitting the grades that you have entered from your computer to the Banner system. Each time you submit grades, you will receive a message that states that "the changes you made were saved successfully," in the area below:
Example of the location of grade submission message:
Title: Freshman Composition
Course: ENG 1013 - 001
CRN: 10019
Students Registered: 25
The changes you made were saved successfully.
Final Grades
Record Number Student Name, etc.
However, when entering a date of last attendance along with a failure grade, other messages may supersede the grade "saved successfully" message. If you have any doubt whatsoever whether or not your grade was successfully transmitted and saved in Banner, simply exit and then re-enter the "Final Grades" menu option; if the grades that you submitted appear in the list-box on the same line as the student's name, then it has been officially received and entered into the Banner system.
Additionally, please double-check your grade entries and make sure that all students on your final grade roster in Web for Faculty have a grade assigned; any students that have the grade of "none" have not had a grade submitted to Banner. Once the grading deadline has passed, the Registrar's Office will be forced to enter an "NR" Not Reported grade for the student on your roster. Graduate students will require an official paper grade change form to correct. An Online Grade Change may be submitted for undergraduate students.
Undergraduate online grade changes must adhere to University policy. Grades may not be changed electronically if they are over one year old. A letter grade may be changed to another letter grade due to instructor error. Incomplete grades may be changed to a letter grade when makeup work is complete. A grade of "NR" may be changed due to a late grade or instructor error.
The Undergraduate Online Grade Change may not be used to change a grade that is over one year old, to change a letter grade to an "IN," to change a letter grade to a "W" or to change a "W" to a letter grade. These grade changes must be submitted to the Registrar's Office using the paper Change of Grade form with all required signatures.
This PDF contains instructions for using the Undergraduate Online Grade Change option.
How to use Instructor-Initiated Drop in my世界杯官方app Account
The instructor drop process is part of the HOP 5.09 Attendance and Participation Policy. It is a voluntary activity—faculty may choose to drop a student who exceeds limits in any of their courses or may choose not to implement instructor drops. However, if you choose to implement instructor drop you must:
If you are interested in participating in the Instructor-Drop process for the, please use the syllabus template provided on the Academic Affairs website to ensure it has all of the required elements. In order to use Instructor-Drop process, you must include the policy information on the limit of unexcused absences or missed assignments for the class in the syllabus and keep accurate attendance/missed assignment records.
If you have chosen to use Instructor-Initiated Drop process, you must give students at least one official warning using ASAP, followed by at least a 24-hour period before you can issue a drop. If you drop a student in error or the student provides documentation for an absence to be considered excused, please contact the Office of the Registrar (ext. 7070), and we will work together to reinstate the student.
Students who have been dropped from your class have the right to a speedy appeal process, since dropped students may be missing class while their appeal is being considered. Generally, unless there is compelling evidence of an error in your attendance or participation record, differential treatment, discrimination, or violation of a relevant university policy, appeals will be denied. While the appeal is under review, students will still have Canvas access to your class for 8 days.
Students have three days to appeal, after they have been notified officially that they have been dropped. College administrators (Department Chairs) have the same three-day period in order to make an appeal decision.
The Reinstatement Petition (online appeal form) is available online.
The Instructor-Drop process continues to the ninth-week of the term, and concludes on the same day as the last day for students to drop themselves during long semesters. Instructor-Initiated Drop is not used during Summer terms. Please check the semester academic calendar to see the last day to drop an individual course with an automatic W. That is the final day of instructor-initiated drops.
The Student Menu allows you to view personal information about the students in your class, such as their address, phone, and email information if available.
You can select the student in your class to view personal information in one of two ways: you can select the student's name using the list box in the ID Selection area or click on the "Enter Student ID/Advisee Directly" and enter the student's 世界杯官方app ID number.
This section gives a complete listing of personal information about students who have registered for your class, including their first and last term attended, classification level, their residency status, etc. If students have more than one major or degree then it will appear on this page.
If students have more than one type of address or phone, then you can select which type you wish to view on this page.
If students have more than one type of email address, then you can select which type you wish to view on this page.
This list gives you summary data on each student who has signed up for your class, such as their college, department, and major. You can click the html link embedded in the student's name, which takes you to the phone and address information available for each student.
Select the term for which you wish to view your class schedule. Depending on the time of year, you can select previous, current, or future terms to view.
If you select terms previous to the current term, it is important to understand that you cannot change grades that you assigned to previous terms. Once grades have rolled into Academic History, you may electronically change the grade for an undergraduate student by using the Undergraduate Online Grade Change on Web for Faculty (see Undergraduate Online Grade Change instructions below). To change the grade for a graduate student, you need to submit standard paper grade change forms in order to make any grade adjustments after grades have rolled into Academic History.
Use Web for Faculty (WFF) to view information about your class schedule, the students assigned to your courses, and to submit mid-term and final grades.
You do not need to be connected to your PC on campus to use WFF; any internet connection with the appropriate browser will enable you to use WFF.
WFF is completely interactive - as students add or drop classes, these changes are instantly reflected in your browser as you navigate through WFF.
How to request access to Banner
FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) is the federal law that protects the privacy of students’ education records. This law prohibits Financial Aid, Registrar, Fiscal Services, and many other 世界杯官方app departments from releasing any specific student education information without the student’s written permission. Parents, guardians, spouses, etc., cannot have access to the student’s education records, including account information unless the student has granted authorization through a FERPA Proxy account in ASAP.
A FERPA Proxy User is a person (Dad, Mom, Coach, Advisor, etc.) that the student has authorized to have access to view their 世界杯官方app educational and/or financial records via ASAP. Students may revoke their FERPA/Proxy access at any time.
Here are instructions on how to view what access, if any, the student has granted their proxy.
Waitlisting is a process where a student can “wait in line” electronically through ASAP for classes that have met their set maximum enrollment (closed). Being on a waitlist does NOT guarantee registration in the class.
Waitlisting is available on selected courses only. A section will NOT get an unlimited waitlist if it:
When a seat becomes available in a waitlisted class, the first student on the waitlist will receive an email notification. They will have 24 hours to register for the class. During late registration, the timeframe is reduced to 12 hours.
If the maximum enrollment on a class is raised, WL notifications will be automatically sent to students on the WL.
Do not raise or lower class enrollments that have active waitlists without first contacting the Registrar’s Office at
Students must check holds in ASAP. With most holds, they will be unable to join a class waitlist or register from a waitlist – even if the student has received a notification.
For more information, see the Waitlist How To.
Staff/Advisor Training Guide: Training Guide for staff to see how waitlisting works at the student level, and how to view waitlist information in Banner.