Prerequisite Override Requests

In collaboration with Advising and UTS, we have created an online workflow form for Prerequisite Override Requests. This new format replaces our paper process. Please do not use the Paper or PDF form.

Note Regarding our Current Fall Registration: students have a limited amount of time to register and these approvals must be done immediately upon receipt. Otherwise, students will not have enough time to register before they are locked out of registration at the end of their timeframe. They then may not be able to register again until April 27.

Here is how the process works:

  1. Student Initiates

    • Student will submit the new Prerequisite Override online form. (The previous PDF or paper form should not be used!)

      Sample Student Submission
    • The Instructor will recieve an email from to their 世界杯官方app email address for their review and approval or disapproval.

      Faculty Email Notification and Link
  2. Instructor Approves/Disapproves

    • If Disapproved - an Automatic message will be sent to the student that the request was disapproved and they should look at other classes.
    • If Approved – the form will automatically route to the Department Chair

      Sample Instructor View
  3. Department Chair Approves/Disapproves

    • If Disapproved - an Automatic message will be sent to the student that request was disapproved and they should look at other classes.
    • If Approved – the form automatically routes to Academic Advising for prerequisite override permission to be set and student is notified via email. (Note: For COB or COE the form will route to the Associate Dean for final approval or disapproval.)

      Sample Department Chair View

For questions, please email