Course Inventory

The course inventory is the set of courses that the university is authorized to teach by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB). Only courses that are listed in the course inventory may be counted for formula funding.

If a course is taught without being in the course inventory, student credit hours and state funding for that course are lost for that semester. If students are enrolled only in courses not listed in the official course inventory, they will not be included in the official student count for the semester. The course inventory is updated annually in the fall for the following academic year.

A new course or a change to an existing course must be recorded in the inventory before it may appear in a university catalog or class schedule.

The addition of a new course, a change to an existing course, or deletion of an existing course requires the submission of a Course Inventory Update Form.

Procedure for Removal of Untaught Courses from Catalog and Inventory

Untaught courses listed in the catalog lead students to believe these courses will be available.

From Reporting and Procedures Manual for Texas Public Universities, Texas Higher Educational Coordinating Board Education Data Center:

The inclusion on the inventory and in college catalogs of courses not offered may mislead students about the breadth of learning opportunities at an institution. Any course untaught as an organized class or individual instruction course for four consecutive years will be automatically deleted from the course inventory. The Coordinating Board will furnish annual records of untaught courses deleted to help each institution keep its course inventory up-to-date.

A list of all untaught active courses in the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board inventory will be sent to academic departments at the start of each annual catalog revision cycle (October) for review and consideration for deletion from the next catalog and course inventory.

The following spring (post Census date), the Office of the Registrar will review an updated list of untaught courses and identify courses that should be removed from the next catalog. Courses removed from the catalog will remain in the course inventory for one year. If not taught during that year, they will be deleted from the inventory.

Course/Section Fee Modification

To add College related fees to a new course that has recently been added to the Course Inventory or to drop/modify course section fees due to the special nature of a section, contact the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

For questions about catalog and course inventory production, please contact