Addendum for Special Events Used by university personnel to add non-official cost center or project for special events with One Card Application and Agreement or Card Maintenance Request forms. |
Airfare Class Approval Form Form used to obtain approval for all business or first class travel. |
Annual Operating Budget - 32XX Used by 世界杯官方app service centers to establish budgets based on estimated costs and revenue projections for the annual budget process. |
Architectural And Engineering Agreement The Architectural & Engineering Agreement template is used in conjunction with the RFQ Construction process to form an agreement between 世界杯官方app and the professional architectural or engineering firm. |
Barcode Replacement Form Used to request barcode label replacements for tagged inventory assets |
Business Expense Form (BEF) Used to record all expenses incurred for entertainment and hospitality regardless of whether a reimbursement will be processed. |
Capital Projects Transaction Request Form To set up new deferred maintenance projects, change budget of existing deferred maintenance projects, and/or to close out any deferred maintenance project or any other institutionally managed project. |
Card Maintenance Request (CMR) Used by university personnel to manage their issued One Card for travel and official business. Change options include: credit limit, funding, purchase limit, cancel/replace card and other options. |
Cellular Phone Allowance Used to request cellular phone allowance for an employee. |
Cellular Phone Allowance Exception Used to request exception for cellular phone allowance for departmental phone purchase. |
Certification of Departmental Annual Physical Inventory Used to certify department inventory annually. |
Chart of Accounts Maintenance Request Form Chart of Accounts Maintenance Request Form. |
Chart of Accounts Maintenance Request Form Instructions Chart of Accounts Maintenance Request Form Instructions. |
Check Cancellation Request - Student Used by Fiscal Services to request cancellation on checks that are stale dated or by Financial Aid when requesting funds be sent back to the lender. |
Check Register Used by departments to record check payments (in lieu of a log book). |
Citibank® Commercial Cards - Add/Change Authorized to Inquire (ATI) Used by One Card cardholders to grant inquiry access to their card expenditures to another individual, referred to as an Authorized to Inquiry (ATI). |
Confidential Treatment of Information Acknowledgement (CTIA) Used to request authorization to access to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts computer system(s). |
Construction in Progress Transfer Request Form Used to request the transfer of asset to appropriate asset class in the University's financial accounting system. |
Contact the OAS for gift processing forms and instructions. |
Credit Card Discount Charges and Fees Provides departments that have a designated department credit card terminal or third-party vendor with an estimate of current charges associated with credit card payments. |
Credit Card Payment Form Used by departments that process credit card payments via Fiscal Services. |
Credit Card Processing Methods - Quick Reference Chart Used by departments to help determine the most appropriate credit card processing method. |
Declaration of Missing Evidence Used when an itemized receipt is not submitted in conjunction with a Business Expense Form (BEF) or Travel Reimbursement/Settlement (TRS) form. |
Departmental Cash Handling Request Form Used by departments/divisions when requesting approval to accept cash, check or credit card payments on behalf of 世界杯官方app. |
Departmental Cash Handling Security Policy Used by departments/divisions to create an Internal policy document that details steps to ensure the safety and security of cash, checks and credit card information from Internal and External unauthorized users. |
Deposit Transmittal Form Used by departments/divisions when submitting a cash, check or credit card deposit to Fiscal Services. |
Direct Deposit Form - Employee Payroll (Payroll Services) Used to setup direct deposit for payroll, make changes to or cancel existing direct deposit instructions. |
Employee Educational Benefit (EEB) Program 世界杯官方app Human Resources form used to request the Employee Educational Benefit. The completed and signed form must be submitted to the Financial Aid and Enrollment Services office for processing. |
Equipment Cannibalization Request Used to request authorization to remove parts from an obsolete piece of equipment being turned-in to Surplus. |
Equipment Trade-In Used when an asset is used for credit in the exchange or purchase of new equipment, or an asset that is under a maintenance contract. |
Exclusive Acquisition Justification Used to justify why competition was not used to determine "Best Value" for a procurement. This form is designed to assist faculty and staff in communicating the requirements of the purchase, explain the lack of competition and identify the supplier. |
Faculty Salary Election Agreement Used to elect salary payment options by faculty employees. |
Fire Science Exemption Used by firefighters enrolled at 世界杯官方app in Fire Science courses to obtain a tuition exemption for eligible classes. |
Form 8233 Internal Revenue Service (IRS) form used to apply for tax treaty benefits by employees and independent contractors/consultants. |
Form 8233 - Instructions Internal Revenue Service (IRS) form used to provide instructions for completing the Form 8233. |
Form 8843 Internal Revenue Service (IRS) form used by international students and scholars to report their presence in the United States. |
Request for Fee Exemption |
Request for Fee Waiver for Qualifying Educational Programs Used to request waiver of mandatory fees as allowed by the Board of Regents incidental fees policy. |
Request for Formal Solicitation Used to request formal solicitations of Request for Proposal (RFP), Request for Qualification (RFQ) and Invitations for Bids (IFB). |
Gen. Contractor CSP Agreement The CSP Agreement template is used in conjunction with the RFP Construction to form an agreement between 世界杯官方app and General Contractor. |
Guaranteed Tuition Plan Application Form Guaranteed Tuition Plan application. |
HSP Subcontracting Plan It is the policy of The University of Texas at San Antonio to promote and encourage contracting and subcontracting opportunities for Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs) in all contracts. Accordingly, The University of Texas at San Antonio has adopted “EXHIBIT A, Policy on Utilization of Historically Underutilized Businesses". The Policy applies to all contracts with an expected value of $100,000 or more. |
HUB Subcontracting Plan |
Inventory Contact Person (ICP) Appointment Used annually to designate individuals as departmental inventory custodians. |
Inventory Reconciliation Used to complete the annual inventory account reconciliation process. |
Invoice Used to indicate the products, quantities and agreed prices for products or services the seller has provided the buyer. It is an itemized statement of funds owed for goods shipped or services rendered. |
Journal Upload Spreadsheet To be used by departments in the IDT process or for allocation of costs that require a journal entry |
Marketplace Request Used to request a Marketplace e-commerce storefront for departments and university organizations. |
Mileage/Parking Log for Travel Reimbursement Used to request reimbursement for mileage and/or parking expenses incurred while traveling on official university business. Note: If applicable, click Options>Enable this content>OK to enable Macros. |
Missing Property/Reinstatement Used to report 世界杯官方app equipment as missing or to reinstate items previously reported as missing. |
Motor Vehicle Rental Exemption Certificate Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts form used by 世界杯官方app travelers to claim exemption from paying the motor rental receipt tax when traveling on official business. |
Non-Disclosure Form The Non-Disclosure Statement is used during the procurement process. Participants in a BID or RFP acknowledges there are no conflicts of interest and agrees to not disclose or otherwise divulge any information pertaining to the contents, status, or ranking of any proposal to anyone other than the evaluation team leader or evaluation team member. |
Non-Resident Tuition Waiver Request Form Used to request a waiver of non-resident tuition for Teaching Assistant (TA) I/II or Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) employees. |
UT System Non Mandatory Fee Increase or New Fee Proposal Form UT System Form |
Off-Cycle Payroll Check Request Form For requesting and processing a manual payroll check between regular scheduled paydays (off-cycle). |
One Card Application and Agreement Used by university personnel to apply for a One Card for travel and business official business. |
Participant Advance Used to request an advance to pay research subjects, or other participants in an approved (sponsored) project. |
Peace Officer Exemption Used by Texas Peace Officers enrolled at 世界杯官方app to obtain a tuition exemption for eligible classes. |
Petty Cash Change Receipt Used by departments with existing petty cash accounts to request changes to a petty cash custodian or dollar amount. |
Petty Cash Custodian Receipt Completed by Fiscal Services when a petty cash account request is approved. |
Petty Cash Reimbursement Used by departments to collect petty cash from Fiscal Services after the Petty Cash Account request has been approved and a Petty Cash Custodian Receipt is on file. |
Petty Cash Reimbursement - Athletics Recruitment Used to collect petty cash from Fiscal Services for athletics recruitment expenses (approved Petty Cash Account and a Petty Cash Custodian Receipt must be on file). |
Program Adminstrator Form Used by university personnel to manage their One Card program administrator assignments. |
Project Cost Estimate Office of Facilities form used to obtain proper approval for institutional projects, set-up account and funding source. |
Project Funding Form Form used for all Project funding. |
Publication 519 - U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens Internal Revenue Service (IRS) form used to assist in preparing tax returns for Aliens. |
RFP Construction Template The RFP Construction template is used for the procurement of construction services utilizing the Request for Proposal procurement method. |
RFP Services Template The RFP Services template is used for the procurement of goods and services utilizing the Request for Proposal procurement method. (Not Facilities) |
RFQ Construction Template The RFQ Construction template is used for the procurement of professional architectural or engineering construction services utilizing the Request for Qualifications procurement method. |
Removal of Equipment Used when removing 世界杯官方app Controlled/Capital equipment from any campus location for official use. |
Report of State Agency Travel to Washington DC |
Request for Check Pickup Used to request pickup of a check by a third party from the Fiscal Services office. |
SPA Access Reference Chart Provides a list of available SPA screens/Transaction Codes to assist with completing the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts - Fiscal Management Systems Access and Maintenance Request. |
Schedule Change Request Form For requesting and processing a Schedule Changes. |
Scholarship/Loan Voucher Used to report scholarship awards to the Scholarship office. |
Service Center Information Sheet Used to establish or update a service center rate, or to add additional activities or services to an existing service center. |
Special Payment Request Form Special Payment Request Form for recurring payment or one time transfers. |
State Property Transfer Request Used to transfer university property to other state agencies, non-state agencies and private organizations. |
Stolen/Recovered Property Report Used when an incident has been reported and investigated by police. |
Stop Payment Request (Student) Used by students to request a stop payment and check reissue, if applicable, for a lost or stolen check. |
Surplus Property Turn-In Used to coordinate and schedule the pick-up of surplus property from university departments. Completed & processed forms will result in property being removed from departmental inventories. |
Surplus Property Turn-In (Continuation Sheet) Used in conjunction with the Surplus Property Turn-In form to provide 25 additional lines. |
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts - Fiscal Management Systems Access and Maintenance Request Used to request central access (create User ID), make changes to previously approved access or request removal of access (delete User ID). |
Texas Guaranteed Tuition Plan Request Form Used by enrolled 世界杯官方app students requesting Texas Guaranteed Tuition Plan (formally Texas Tomorrow Fund) benefits. |
Texas Hotel Occupancy Tax Exemption Certificate Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts form used by 世界杯官方app employees to claim exemption from the Texas Hotel Occupancy Tax when traveling on official business. |
Texas Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certification (Tax Exempt Certificate) Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts form used to claim the right to make a non-taxable purchase for resale, rent or lease of taxable items. |
Timesheet Elapsed Used by salaried exempt employees to report time worked and absences. |
Timesheet Punch Used by Classified Salary Non-exempt, Hourly, and Work-Study employees to enter time details of hours worked. |
Travel Advance Request (TAR) Used by eligible employees and students to request a travel advance to pay for allowable expenses while traveling on official 世界杯官方app business whom prefer to use either Direct Deposit or Check as the travel payment method. |
Travel Authorization Form (TAF) Use this form to obtain travel authorization during the interim process on any unauthorized travel or to correct any previous travel authorizations. |
Travel Checklist Used as a helpful reminder to complete all functions of travel. |
Travel Reimbursement/Settlement (TRS) Complete this form if you have delegated the electronic certification of expenses in PeopleSoft or if your travel expenses are greater than 10% or $250.00 of your total authorized travel. |
UTShare/PeopleSoft User Access Form |
Vendor Dispute Used to document a vendor dispute over price, quality and/or receipt of goods or services. |
Voucher Signature Card Used to request access to release/approve payroll or expenditure documents in USAS via the 世界杯官方app Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts - Fiscal Management Systems Access and Maintenance Request Form. |
W-4 Internal Revenue Service (IRS) form used to update federal income tax withholding. |
W-7 Internal Revenue Service (IRS) form used to request an IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. |
W-8BEN Internal Revenue Service (IRS) form used to certify foreign status of beneficial owner for United States tax withholding. |
Wire Transfer Request For requesting outgoing wire transfer payments. |